Döhmann Audio

Breaking the Sound Barrier – since 1982 –

We are music lovers and vinyl fanatics. We believe that to unlock the potential of the information contained in the grooves of a vinyl record and to experience absolute emotional engagement with an artist’s work, it takes an audio system where attention has been placed on the smallest details and time has been taken to perfect the design.

Inspired by the unique vision of audio designer Mark Döhmann, Döhmann Audio leads a no-holds-barred assault on what is possible in contemporary audio turntable & tonearm design. Acknowledging the legendary pioneers that have come before us, we look forward and strive to create the most advanced analogue audio systems available today.

Incorporating state-of-the-art technologies that have previously never been applied to audio applications, we create heirloom quality industrial works of art that aim to give our customers the ultimate enjoyment of their record collection.

Every Döhmann Audio product is made in Australia and is designed against the standard of perfect audio reproduction – live music.

hi-fi+ Winner 2023 Turntable Cost No Object Award

Mark Döhmann

They say that when you are born with a passion for music, you can’t escape it. This is certainly true for Mark Döhmann, who’s lifelong love of music and audio design has led him on an interesting, if not unconventional journey.

Mark Döhmann

What makes Döhmann turntables unique?

As the stylus of a cartridge moves through the groove of a vinyl record, the vibrations created by the groove are converted to electrical signals through a coil in a magnetic field. The electric signals are carried along wires to the amplifier which enhances the power of the signal. Since vibrations are converted into a signal which eventually is converted into sound, we can see that any extra vibrations that are picked up by the stylus influence the purity of the signal and hence the sound quality.

Stylus in groove on a record


High-end Turntable of the Year

Helix Two


Lifetime Achievement Award

Mark Döhmann

Dohmann Audio Turntable

What Our Customers Say

The Helix One Mk3 is not a turntable, it’s a time machine.

Dr Ross, Australia

When you thought, you already were listening to an absurd level of analog playback Mark Döhmann again surprises you by introducing the HELIX TWO Mk3 upgrades that takes listening to music yet again to a whole new level. The improvements are NOT subtle in literally EVERY analog dimension: space, detail, harmonics, flow, definition, range etc. I instantly noticed the substantially reduced noise floor that teleports you right into the recording in a surreal realistic manner. Mark’s latest tool is the new Mk3 Record Clamp, a highly effective and brilliant piece of engineering that further perfects the new Mk3-package. Mr. Döhmann keeps surprising us and for those of you who haven’t had the opportunity to listen to it yet, please do not be fooled by the little … “Mk3” … as in fact this machine should be called the HELIX THREE or to be biologically correct and maybe even better the DOUBLE HELIX.

GJ, The Netherlands

Hi Döhmann Audio, I was listening to the Analog Productions Clarity Kind of Blue and Black vinyl Dave Brubeck Time Out recently. I could not believe the amount of information your turntable gets off both records. Sat there amazed. Depth and soundstage width/stability is incredible. Speed stability off the charts. Vocals are easier to understand. I could go on, but you know it already. Magnificent achievement. Thanks again.

RC, Australia

I don’t know about you, but every audiophile I know has had nights that you don’t want to stop listening. No, make that can’t stop listening, because you never heard sound coming from your system like that. Well, last night was such a night for me. The only thing that requires break-in was the Reed tonearm cable to the Zanden 1200 Mk3 but… even with that caveat, the sound was out of this world. The best I have ever had from my system and definitely in the world beater class. I simply could not sleep. Was up till 4 am. and had to force myself to leave the room. The Helix is all its supposed to be and more. Simply life changing. And finally, no words can do justice to express my appreciation for your support and responsiveness. Mark, this is how you build customer loyalty and needless to say, you now have a new lifelong friend and admirer.

Marty, USA

You answered to my email. I was at a low point due to the lockdowns in my country and the problems with my turntable. Your video showing how to get the lobes to align was incredible. Without your help and patience I would have never got the arm to work. I am sincerely and forever grateful to you for taking the time to help a complete unknown that didn’t even buy the arm from you. God bless you and your family and that your company keeps growing so that you reap the benefits from your work. Best regards,


Dohmann Audio Turntable Side


As with it’s bigger brother, it has to be heard to be believed. The wide-open world of sound it releases from a vinyl groove is spine-tinglingly staggering.


No turntable in my experience comes close to its sonic performance and you are guaranteed to hear your favourite LP’s, indeed all of your LP’s, as you’ve never before heard them – I don’t care what table you use or have heard. – Michael Fremer


It goes even further than what you thought you could expect from a turntable and the fact that it clearly outperforms anything that we have ever listened to until now is a huge surprise.

haute fidelite

Dohmann Audio Blurred